Our product, the agriculture bulk bags is available to the consumers in various sizes, as per their requirement. For those people who are not getting their required size, we have introduced custom sizes as well. As the best agriculture bags suppliers, we made agriculture bulk bags of polypropylene so they are cost-effective, as well as strong, and easy to use.
When empty, these bags can folded into really small sizes and stored anywhere. They are easy to fill and discharge so storing and transporting will never be an issue. These bags can be used multiple times. These bags can be used to store perishable items such as grains, onions, etc. Agriculture bulk bags will also save them from pests, insects, and animals. Always store these bags in a dry place.

- You can use for any agriculture products storage
- Potato, onion and other related products storage
- Easy for transportation for agriculture products
- We do customize as per requirements

Cross – Corner Loops

Side-Seam Loops

Sleeve Lift

Hood Lift

Ancillary Loops

Double Stevedore Straps

Single Stevedore Strap

Open Top with Hem

Tie-Down Flap

Duffel Top

Open Top & Tightening Holes

Open Top with Draw Cord

Filling Spout

Discharge Spout

Discharge Spout with Iris Protection

Discharge Spout with Petal Closure

Discharge Spout with Sewn Cover

Discharge Spout with Protection Flap

Full Drop Bottom